1.預約時間在每月最後一天,開放隔月1-15號;每月15 號開放當月16-30/31號。(於工作日一~五開放,遇假日/節日則提前至工作日開放)
The online booking opening time is on the last working day (Mon.~Fri.) of each month, that will be opened from the 1st to the 15th of every other month; and will be opened from the 16th to 30th/31st of the same month on the 15th.
2.所有球場預約保留時間 10 分鐘,未報到者將開放現場候位民眾補位,若報到遲到者不得因遲到延長打球時間。
All court reservations are reserved only for 10 minutes. Those who fail to check in in 10 minutes, will be opened to the public. Those who register late will not be allowed to extend the playing time due to lateness.
3.桌球羽球有一人校內證件即可使用校內優惠票,桌球上限 4 人一桌,羽球上限 8 人一面球場,不得跨場打球。
For table tennis room and badminton court, at least one person with a school ID can use on-campus discount tickets.
The maximum limit for table tennis room is 4 people per table.
The maximum limit for badminton is 8 people per field.
Playing only on your own field, no across field is not allowed.
If you purchase on-campus discount tickets for the basketball and volleyball court, you must check the IDs of all personnel. All IDs must be on-campus before you can use the on-campus discount tickets.
There is no limit on the number of users of the basketball and volleyball court. You can only play on the reserved court. Playing across courts is prohibit.
5.身心障礙者: 憑證本人及陪伴者可無限此免費使用游泳池、SPA 水療池及重訓室;桌球羽球可以免費使用2小時,續打需照身分付費。
People with disability proof IDs, you and your companions can use the swimming pool,
SPA pool and gym for free.
You can play badminton court and table tennis room for free for two hours, and you need to pay for additional games based on your status.
If you use a sports team ID to enter and play, you need to have the school team ID for the entire table/entire court to be free.
1. 7-12場位於依仁堂籃球館內。
2. 請先至體育室報到,離場時請至體育室領取證件。
3. 為配合本校場地運用所需,籃球館內羽球場地為不定時開放,請自行參考線上可預約時間,將不另行公告。
4. 進入籃球館內羽球場地請遵守本校羽球館規定。
5. 服務專線: 03-4227151#57249(1-6場)、03-4227151#57251(7-12場)
場地開放欲使用時段前72小時內預約。 (線上預約視為一般收費)
客服電話:(03)4227151 #57484